Does your company need to set FLAG Targets? A simple tool to help you find out.
Recent changes in reporting requirements regarding land sector-related emissions – in particular, from the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) Forestry, Land, and Agriculture (FLAG) Guidance and from the GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance (LSRG) – are complex.
At Terrascope, one of the most common questions we hear from clients is: “Do any of these land-sector guidelines apply to my company?”
To address this question, Terrascope developed a quick tool, which you can use below, to assess whether your company needs to set FLAG targets. From there, it determines which of the target-setting approaches (commodities vs. sector-based) would be most appropriate for your company.
Part A - Determining if you need to set up a FLAG target
Part B - Determining what FLAG target setting approach you need to take

Lia Nicholson
Director of Sustainability, Terrascope

Flora Rose Wilson
Climate Change Research Intern, Terrascope